Network use cases for distribution storage

The Western Australian State Government’s Energy Transformation Strategy aims to ensure the delivery of secure, reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity to Western Australians now and into the future. A key workstream of the ETS focuses on Distributed Energy Resources (DER). The DER Roadmap has been developed and it outlines a set of actions that are required to realise a future where DER is integral to a safe, reliable and efficient electricity system and where the full capabilities of DER can provide benefits and value to all customers. One of the key pillars to enabling a high DER future is energy storage.
This presentation outlines how distribution storage can be utilised to meet emerging network needs. This presentation will describe some of the current and emerging issues on the grid and outline how storage connected to the distribution network (voltages from 415V to 33kV inclusive) could assist to alleviate these issues.
This webinar is the sixth in a series of eight webinars on consumer-centric energy, being held between October 2020 and May 2021, co-hosted by the Energy Transition Hub and the Climate and Energy College, sponsored by the Victorian Clean Technology Fund.