Renew seminar series: Victorian climate change action during and after COVID-19 (Webinar only)

Ellen Sandell is excited to present a webinar on climate action in Victoria. Ellen’s presentation will look at the state of play for climate policy in Victoria, ways we can remain engaged during these uncertain times, and opportunities for renewables to reboot our economy post COVID. Her area of expertise is in how to influence policy-makers and in climate policy (particularly at the state level), and how this influences the energy markets and businesses. She will outline her costed plan for how we could get Victoria to 100% renewable energy and what technologies would be a part of that and talk about positive plans that many companies have at the moment. She can also talk briefly about how we all can continue our work on climate change at this time of crisis.
* In line with Renew’s apolitical and independent nature, this will be a non-partisan exploration of the topic.