Uberfication of electricity: Unicorns and rainbows or a real thing emerging?

Regulatory settings are shifting globally to encourage renewables to be located closer to the sources of demand, and to promote the flexibility of renewables and energy loads. In the US, rule change FERC2222, in the UK, Elexon P379, in Europe, the Clean Energy Package and in Australia, Two Sided Markets are all regulatory firsts that herald change. They will allow DERs to trade energy P2P and participate in the electricity market in new ways. These are clear signs the industry is waking up and smelling the coffee. In many ways it’s analogous to the kinds of innovation that was made possible by the liberalization of telecoms markets some 25 years ago, and everyone in renewable energy should be very excited about this.
This webinar is the third in a series of eight webinars on consumer-centric energy, being held between October 2020 and February 2021, co-hosted by the Energy Transition Hub and the Climate and Energy College, sponsored by the Victorian Clean Technology Fund.