The Energy Transition Hub’s first annual symposium took place from the 13th to the 18th November 2018 in Melbourne and Canberra. Fourteen researchers from Germany joined their Australian colleagues (~30 researchers from Australian partners) for research workshops, stakeholder roundtables, public seminars and governmental stakeholder discussions.
The symposium was important in deepening the work relationships between Australian and German Hub researchers and enabling the researchers to progress and refine the joint work program. The public events and stakeholder roundtables were effective forums for engaging with industry, government and community stakeholders in wide-ranging and highly-relevant discussions on technical, regulatory and socio-economic issues arising from Germany’s and Australia’s energy transitions. The stakeholder exchange allowed the German partners to better understand the Australian energy system, industry and political economic circumstances. The joint research program was refined to be even more policy relevant.
In addition to progressing specific work in the nine Hub working groups on scientific publications, database standards, scenario design, researchers developed an outline for the Hub’s Synthesis Report. The Hub Synthesis Report will be published in September 2019, prior to the 2019 Symposium at which the Hub and START project results will be presented. The report will synthesize the main Hub research findings specifically regarding the opportunities that arise for both Germany and Australia in a world that moves towards a zero-carbon future. A key result will be energy-transition scenarios for Australia based on a multi-model suite.