Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill


Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill is the deputy head of the Department Energy, Transportation, Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). His areas of expertise include power market modelling, renewable energy integration, energy storage, and different sector coupling strategies. Wolf has worked in various research projects supported by the European Commission, German federal ministries, and Stiftung Mercator. Besides, he is co-editor-in-chief of DIW’s policy-oriented journal DIW Wochenbericht / DIW Weekly Report.

Wolf regularly presents his work at international and national conferences (e.g., European Economic Association, International Association for Energy Economics) and has co-authored numerous articles in leading international peer-reviewed journals such as Nature Energy, European Economic Review, The Energy Journal, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Policy, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy and others. He holds a diploma in environmental engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) and a doctoral degree in economics (Dr. oec.) from Technische Universität Berlin.


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