In Progress

As the Australian energy transition continues, a range of new challenges and opportunities are beginning to emerge that can allow consumers and communities to actively participate. As part of the Renewable Energy Research Investment Partnership (RERIP), this project focuses on the market integration...

29 Apr 2020 11:00am to 12:00pm
VCTF Seminar Series

Optimising the mix of behind the meter energy solutions to minimise overall costs and emissions can be complex. Energy efficiency measures can reshape the demand profile, reducing the size and cost of on-site renewable energy and energy storage systems and increasing potential for demand response....


Small-scale (residential) prosumers are constrained from actively participating in wholesale electricity markets. Instead, prosumers are typically served by residential aggregators and retailers. This leads to inefficiencies as the prosumers are not incentivised take into account the overall demand and supply status...

Energy transition is happening globally and in Australia and Germany. It is occurring in response to rapidly changing technology costs and as countries move to implement policies in line with...


Energy transition is happening globally and in Australia and Germany. It is occurring in response to rapidly changing technology costs and as countries move to implement policies in line with the Paris Agreement goals. This transition poses policy and technological challenges. If managed well, it...

17 Sep 2019 11:00am to 12:00pm

We investigate optimal technology choices for providing H2 at German fuel stations. This includes decentral electrolysers at the stations, as well as central electrolysis plus transport in gaseous or liquid form, or via liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). In doing so, we explicitly take power...


CORE Partners